A Delicate Web of Ignorance, Betrayal, and Magic: A Review of Delicate Condition by Danielle Valentine

The fast-paced novel Delicate Condition (Sourcebook, 2023) is Danielle Valentine's first adult book. The book is not only a thriller but a look at the medical system through a woman's eyes. Anna Victoria Alcott is a budding movie star trying to conceive her first child with her mysterious husband, Dexter (Dex) Harding. With Anna's rising fame has come stalkers, online hate comments, and uncertainty as she approaches forty. Her troubles with IVF treatments and conception make her more aware of her aging. The story is gruesome and intricate.

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In Love: A Memoir of Love and Loss by Amy Bloom

Amy Bloom’s moving memoir, In Love: A Memoir of Love and Loss, is a love story about an idyllic marriage shattered when Bloom’s 60-year-old husband Brian’s forgetfulness takes over their lives. His personality changes, and he becomes distant and indifferent. “Names disappearing, repetition, information turned upside down, appointments and medications scrambled. Suddenly it seemed we argued endlessly about everything,” Bloom laments.

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