Objectivity versus Art: A Reflection on Technology in Medicine

A physician-novelist ponders the troubling implications of the increasing technologization of health care and its encroachment on the art of medicine.

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Surprising Behavior in the Pandemic

A palliative care nurse analyzes poetry and studio art created in response to the ongoing pandemic—and appreciates how these different pieces generate surprising parallels.

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How Touch Affects Healing, a reflection by Wendy Tong

In her Field Notes essay “Hand Holding” (Fall 2019 Intima), Dr. Amanda Swain describes the experience of beginning her surgery rotation as a third year medical student. In the early days of the rotation, she feels an intense sense of being out of place within the “intricately choreographed dance” of the operating room. But when the next patient is wheeled in, Dr. Swain is reminded of how a nurse once took her hand before she underwent surgery, the touch conveying an unforgettable message of comfort during a time of deep vulnerability.

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